
Research Solicitations

Our Needs

NSBRI seeks solutions to health concerns facing astronauts during long duration, deep space missions that will also benefit health care and people living on Earth. NSBRI funds science and technology projects that develop solutions to the health-related problems men and women face during spaceflight. The Institute’s 100+ investigators are currently conducting research on approximately 60 projects at institutions distributed across the United States.

Our Process for Accepting and Managing Proposals

NSBRI typically releases one or more funding announcements each year. For most solicitations, proposals are competitively evaluated through a two-step process. Each year’s solicitation will clearly define the research emphases that proposals must address, outline eligibility, and explain the process for electronically submitting proposals. Completed proposals undergo scientific peer review and programmatic reviews by the Institute’s External Advisory Council and User Panel.

NSBRI also welcomes the submission of unsolicited proposals that may play a pathfinder role, act as a pilot project, address high priority risks, involve international collaborations, or extend existing work. These proposals are subject to programmatic relevance and external scientific peer reviews.


Email us for more information.